Bill for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan hits £20bn

By Mahmet Gul -20.06.10

THE wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost British taxpayers more than £20billion, official figures show. A total of £9.24billion has been spent in Iraq and £l1.1billion in Afghanistan between April 2001 and March 2010.That includes £18billion for military operations, on top of the normal defence budget - which was £35bil1ion last year - as well as hundreds of millions of pounds on aid and security for British officials. Expenses such as troops' basic salaries or long-term care for the seriously wounded are not included.

Lindsey German, convener of the Stop The War Coalition, said: 'People will be astonished that the government has the cheek to call for public spending cuts when such an obscene amount has been spent in Iraq and Afghanistan.'

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